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Tópicos (México)

Print version ISSN 0188-6649


BOTERO MARINO, Jerónimo  and  LEAL GRANOBLES, Yuliana. Thinking, Will and Judgment: The Mental Conditions of Political Action in the Philosophy of Hannah Arendt. Tópicos (México) [online]. 2017, n.53, pp.85-119. ISSN 0188-6649.

In the Life of the Mind, Hannah Arendt argues that critical thinking enables the exercise of reflective judgment. The exercise of critical thinking and reflective judgment is essential to promote the freedom to act politically. The purpose of this article is to defend the hypothesis that critical thinking, will as spontaneity, and reflective judgment, are the mental conditions that make possible the political life of human beings from the perspective of Arendt.

Keywords : Arendt; thinking; judgment; action.

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