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Acta universitaria

On-line version ISSN 2007-9621Print version ISSN 0188-6266


CHAVEZ RODRIGUEZ, María del Carmen; SANDOVAL CARAVEO, María del Carmen  and  MORALES AGUILAR, Norma. Attributes of resilient leadership in micro and small hotel companies in Villaflores, Chiapas, Mexico. Acta univ [online]. 2022, vol.32, e3374.  Epub Oct 24, 2022. ISSN 2007-9621.

Resilience is generated when the leader has the ability to adapt to disruptive changes and ability to turn damaging conditions into advantages directed towards achieving the established goals. This work is the result of research done in two hotel companies (one micro and one small) in Villaflores, Chiapas, Mexico. The objective is to identify the characteristics of resilient leadership and its support for the hotel MSME in town. The methodology applied a qualitative, cross-sectional approach, developed with the multiple case study method. It is a work that tests resilient leadership and its subcategories: physical, social, mental, emotional, and ethical resilience. The results show the presence of resilient leadership characteristics, predominantly those of mental, physical, and social resilience. These particularities are innate, and their conscious recognition is proposed for the development of the resilient leader to be integral.

Keywords : Leadership; resilience; resilient leadership; MSME; multiple case study.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )