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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


MARQUEZ HUITZIL, Roberto; MARTINEZ-GARZA, Cristina; HINOJOSA-ESPINOZA, Susana Isabel  and  SORANI, Valentino. Identification of mines and tailings in Huautla, Morelos, Mexico. Invest. Geog [online]. 2022, n.109, e60633.  Epub May 29, 2023. ISSN 2448-7279.

In Mexico, mining has left many mine tailings, toxic and unstable waste materials that can be deposited and contained by structures called tailings dams. Even so, these materials are found in the open pit and can be washed away by rain or dispersed by the wind. The identification of tailings is a starting point for developing mitigation strategies. In the area of Huautla, Morelos, mining activity was abruptly abandoned without leaving an accurate record of such tailings. The objective of this study was to identify these tailings deposits and abandoned mines in that area. To this end, documents and cartography were reviewed, photo-interpretation and classification of remote sensing images were carried out, as well as field visits and consultations with local people. In this way, 19 mines were located, five sites known as tailings deposits, three contained by tailings dams (two in Los Molinos and one in Las Presas) and two without containment (Tlalchichilpa and Huautla). In addition, twelve potential tailings deposits were found. The combination of these strategies proved to be the most adequate to identify the jales and describe their changes through time.

Keywords : tailings; geographic information systems (GIS); environmental impact; seasonal rainforest.

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