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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


VALDEZ VALDEZ, Jesús Ezequiel; ORDAZ HERNANDEZ, Alexis; ESPINOSA RODRIGUEZ, Luis Miguel  and  BARO SUAREZ, José Emilio. Susceptibility to landslides in Malinalco, State of Mexico, Mexico. A contribution to disaster risk reduction at the municipal scale. Invest. Geog [online]. 2022, n.109, e60626.  Epub May 29, 2023. ISSN 2448-7279.

The causes that limit the development of communities can be studied from different social, political and economic spheres. Inconsistencies in construction designs and in territorial planning can generate risk scenarios that cause environmental disturbances. This article makes a contribution in the first phase of local risk management for the Malinalco municipality, State of Mexico. Specifically, susceptibility to the occurrence of landslides is determined, in a geographical context where at least 36 landslides occurred in the last 10 years. The methodology suggested by Mora and Vahrson was used, where conditioning factors such as the slope of the land, lithology and humidity are involved; as well as triggers, precipitation, seismicity and land use. Based on the physical knowledge of the territory and especially the inventory of landslides carried out, a high spatial correspondence is identified between 91.6% of the landslides and the roads. The cartography obtained constitutes an updated tool for the management of risk by landslides in Malinalco municipality. Priority areas are defined for detailed studies of stability coefficient estimates on road slopes, and in justified cases, reinforcement measures could be suggested. In addition, communities located at medium and high susceptibility levels can be identified; in order to plan the early warning designs that best fit the physical and social reality. The result obtained constitutes a relevant cartographic input in the field of future territorial planning of the municipality, in order to achieve socio-economic activities consistent with the physical conditions of the territory.

Keywords : Risk scenarios; landslides; Malinalco municipality.

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