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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


COSTA, Everaldo Batista da. Risks and Heritage Preservation Potential in Latin America and the Caribbean. Invest. Geog [online]. 2018, n.96. ISSN 2448-7279.

The development strategies that have been adopted in Latin America and the Caribbean have led to serious damage for heritage and life. Therefore, we analyze the major risks and the preservation potential of UNESCO World Heritage sites, to propose new approaches for preserving the heritage in Latin America. Methodologically, the research involves two analytical stages: i) definition of the issues with risk potential in the region (approaches and connections); ii) risk (R) identification and heritage preservation potential (Pp) in Latin America (summary table for sites in Peru, Mexico, Cuba, Panama and Brazil). The empirical analysis (seven sites in five countries) produces variables that may promote the development of risk management policies for sites and life, as well as reinforce the territorial heritage and territory of exception concepts in alternative preservation practices in Latin America and the Caribbean. When considering the major risks, unavoidable losses, and the existence of potential preservation sites in the continent identified from the cases investigated, it is obvious that risk management policies on patrimonial praxis have the capability to develop a less instrumental and functional rationale, becoming more human. Tourism (from theoretical and practical perspectives) can be perceived as an alternative for social development and not only as a threat. The empirical evidence across the continent reveals variations in the tourism status of each site, correlated with the contents of the uses of the territory: formal households vs slums, local trade or tourism, spatial policy of collective ownership vs private property. The generalization of abstract criticism of tourism is irrelevant, leads to the loss of local potential, hinders the importance of popular power in territorial-heritage issues; powerful criticism is derived from specific analyzes. Supporting tourist practices that involve popular stakeholders — that are connected materially and emotionally with the territory — will lead to the minimization of damages related to the uses of heritage and the spatial stigma

Keywords : territorial heritage; territory of exception; risks; preservation potential; Latin America and the Caribbean.

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