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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


ORDAZ HERNANDEZ, Alexis et al. Morphotectonic and structural analysis of the municipalities of San Cristóbal and Candelaria, Western Cuba: contribution to seismic hazard studies of Pinar Fault. Invest. Geog [online]. 2013, n.82, pp.7-23. ISSN 2448-7279.

The research focuses on revealing the main morphotectonic expressions of relief, as a contribution to the study of moderate seismicity of territory. Morphostructural analysis combined with results of analysis of structures, to mesoscopic scale, provide elements of the preferred direction of the tectonic forces that determined the contemporary relief. A total of 44 outcrops were described and 686 structural elements measured (extension fracture, shear and hybrid fracture, axes and axial planes of folds). Morphotectonics interpretations and geomorphological indexes allowed to reveal morphostructural block differentiation, transverse to Pinar transcurrent fault, with potential seismogenic character and also conclude on the main and subordinate directions of tectonic efforts which generated the substrate's mesostructures and the relief 's morphostructures, significant parameters in characterizing regional seismotectonics. Special attention deserves the "back pressure" generated on the Pinar fault trace, located to north of La Conchita, which present a differentiation in stepped microblocks and displaced horizontally, indicating a remarkable deformation with characteristics seismic hazard for San Cristóbal and Candelaria towns.

Keywords : Structural analysis; morphotectonic; geomorphological indices; Western Cuba.

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