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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


OLIVA AGUILAR, Victor R.; GARZA MERODIO, Gustavo G.  and  ALCANTARA AYALA, Irasema. Configuration and temporal dimension of vulnerability: mestizo spaces and disasters in the Sierra Norte de Puebla. Invest. Geog [online]. 2011, n.75, pp.61-74. ISSN 2448-7279.

Disasters in Mexico and elsewhere are causing growing concern because of the increasing fatalities and rising economic losses. Each disaster is unique in form and intensity, since each results from an interaction of physical, biological and environmental conditions with socioeconomic, political and cultural processes; components that either individually or collectively occur at different scales. The present research considers the Sierra Norte de Puebla in terms of the evolution of economic and political components, in addition to the morphological and climatic similarities throughout the region, and a strongindigenous presence. This forms the basis for a general interpretation of disaster occurrence in this region. There follows an analysis of the circumstances that have led to the vulnerability of the villa of Pahuatlán to landslides; this began during the late 19th century, when the town started to consolidate in economic and urban terms through its incorporation into national and international markets. Since then, material culture and urban morphology have continued to change; for example, house construction has been a determinant factor in the degree of vulnerability of this community. This history is an integral part of the present day fragilities and deficiencies of Pahuatlán villa.

Keywords : Vulnerability; disasters; landslides; material culture; urban morphology; Sierra Norte de Puebla; Pahuatlán.

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