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 issue74Ministerio de Fomento, driver of the study and recognition of the Mexican territory (1877-1898)Geography studies in Latin American Universities; development, present and future perspectives author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


PEREZ CAMPUZANO, Enrique  and  SANTOS CERQUERA, Clemencia. Sociospatial segregation in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City. Invest. Geog [online]. 2011, n.74, pp.92-106. ISSN 2448-7279.

In urban studies the sociospatial segregation is one of the recurrent themes. However there are few studies in Latin America. In this paper the first results of the sociospatial segregation in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City are presented. In this paper several demographic data are used to establish a local segregation. The results show the segregation at the city, were we can see a horseshow shape area going from southwest towards northwest with the largest urban consolidation rates; an intermediate ring with a social mixture and a peripheral region with the highest levels of poverty.

Keywords : Segregation; Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City; Moran Index; Local Indicator of Spatial Association.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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