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Investigaciones geográficas
versión On-line ISSN 2448-7279versión impresa ISSN 0188-4611
HERNANDEZ SANTANA, José Ramón; BOLLO MANENT, Manuel; MENDEZ LINARES, Ana Patricia y FIGUEROA MAH ENG, José Manuel. Formation and morphogenesis of the northwestern extreme relief of Chiapas State, Mexico. Invest. Geog [online]. 2009, n.68, pp.25-40. ISSN 2448-7279.
The Chiapas State territory constitutes one of the Mexican regions with more absence of detailed geomorphological studies. The present work approaches the general geomorphological analysis of the relief, at 1:100 000 scale, with the purpose of reveal the morphometric and morphogenetic regularities, and chronological relative of the northwestern extreme of this region. The principles adopted for their morphogenetic classification were: I- Relief's basic categories; II- Altitudinal level of their subcategories; III-Specific morphogenetic type; IV- Relief's relative dating; and V-Forms of the relief. In the formation of the northwestern Chiapas relief the neotectonic uplifts determined the stepped morphostructural pattern, the energy and the disection of the current relief, and the conditioning of the intensity of the modelling exogenous processes on differentiated geologic substratum, that consolidated the extension and sedimentary thickness of the accumulative plains of the middle-lower thirds of the rivers Grijalva, Pichucalco, Ostuacán, Platanar and others. The quaternary and recent volcanic activity of El Chichón determined covering of piroclastic material of tranquiandesitic composition, that modified the pre-existent relief and built extensive mesiform premountains in Nuevo Xochimilco. In general, in this region exist 19 morphogenetic types (7 of mountains and premountains, 3 of hills, 7 of plains and 2 of depressions).
Palabras llave : Relief's morphogenesis; northwest Chiapas; Mexico.