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 número66Procesos de remoción en masa en México: hacia una propuesta de elaboración de un inventario nacionalIdentificación de los servicios ambientales potenciales de los suelos en el paisaje urbano del Distrito Federal índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigaciones geográficas

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7279versión impresa ISSN 0188-4611


PORTER-BOLLAND, Luciana; SANCHEZ GONZALEZ, María Consuelo  y  ELLIS, Edward Alan. Landscape conformation and use of natural resources by Mayan communities at La Montaña, Campeche. Invest. Geog [online]. 2008, n.66, pp.65-80. ISSN 2448-7279.

This manuscript provides a landscape history analysis for the region of La Montaña, located at the municipality of Hopelchen of the state Campeche, Mexico. The information was obtained through a literature review on historic sources and complemented with information provided by the local inhabitants. Also, a characterization is provided regarding the population's current situation, including their productive systems. This region is comprised of eight ejidoswhose Mayan population has a history of land use of at least 3 000 years. The structure and composition of the landscape has been molded by natural and social factors. Changes in population densities and internal migration have occurred constantly. Current history indicates that the fluctuating population has varied from 14 400 inhabitants in 1860 to less than 5 000 in 2005. In spite of today's low population densities, recent productive activities are turning to be more agricultural oriented, modifying the structure and composition at the landscape level. Investment in the region is needed both, in economic terms and for strengthening social capital in order to promote productive activities that are ecological and socially sound, improving the welfare of local inhabitants without compromising its natural resources. The acceptance of this Mayan territory should be consensual, as one in which local inhabitants have the right to actively participate in development processes and not merely as cheap manual labor.

Palabras llave : Landscape history; Mayan forest; land use/land cover change; La Montaña; Campeche; natural resources management.

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