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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


SANCHEZ SALAZAR, María Teresa  and  PALACIO PRIETO, José Luis. The Mexican experience in the elaboration of State Land-Use Programs, diagnostic, issues and perspectives: standpoint of UNAM's Institute of Geography. Invest. Geog [online]. 2004, n.53, pp.75-97. ISSN 2448-7279.

In Mexico, the elaboration of State Land-Use Programs (SLUP) has started recently, fostered by the Ministry of Social Development. Today, 27 states have already completed their corresponding SLUP and four of them have partial results. From the experience and results of the various States a series of issues have been detected, derived from the way in which the national program was developed. These served as bases for UNAM's Institute of Geography to develop the Second Generation of Methodological Guidelines to elaborate a SLUP. The major issues detected included the gap in the incorporation to the program at a state level; the impossibility of applying the first generation of guidelines to some specific pilot cases before the program's start-up; the differences in availability of national cartographic and statistical databases needed for project development; the heterogeneous professional and technical qualifications of the consulting groups which carried out works for state governments and of those responsible for the final assessments. Altogether, these resulted in SLUP with a highly variable quality, which made impossible to incorporate results derived from them into integral projects like the Meso-regional Land-Use Management Programs.

Keywords : Land-use management; State Land-Use Programs; land-use planning.

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