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Investigaciones geográficas

On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611


HOZ ZAVALA, Elia; LANZA ESPINO, Guadalupe de la  and  ALVAREZ ARELLANO, Alejandro. Geological, sedimentological and chemical characteristics of a small superficial water body (jagüey) in Northern Mexico. Invest. Geog [online]. 2003, n.51, pp.7-22. ISSN 2448-7279.

The geological, sedimentological and chemical characteristics of the bottom sediments of a small superficial water body locally called "jagüey" located in northeastern Mexico were investigated. The jagüey is a recent circleshaped coastal depression covered by a shallow layer of fresh water characterized by a poor circulation. The sandyclayey bottom allows contact with underground water that supplies water through filtration. A thin layer of the topmost sediments is acid and the remainder are alkaline due to the presence of calcium carbonate. The high nitrogen and phosphorus content in sediments indicate an impact to the jagüey derived from the input of allocthonous nutrients. Given its little depth, limited water circulation, prolonged drought and high evaporation rate, this water body is regarded as hypertrophic and senile despite its recent geological origin.

Keywords : Geochemistry; natural water reservoirs; jagüey.

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