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Investigaciones geográficas
versión On-line ISSN 2448-7279versión impresa ISSN 0188-4611
ALVARADO ROSAS, Concepción. The clothing micro-enterprises at the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Invest. Geog [online]. 2001, n.45, pp.149-166. ISSN 2448-7279.
In the Mexico City Metropolitan Zone the clothing industry is concentrated at the Central Area, according to the number of businesses and personnel working in them, particularly in the Cuauhtémoc delegation, because historically the first businesses established to the center of the city. However, recently some micro-industries have been established in other areas of the city, choosing intermediate and peripheral zones. One characteristic of the clothing industry is the subcontracting process -maquila-, a mechanism of productive decentralization that essentially is carried out by large enterprises towards smalier ones. Within the production scale, microindustry is constantly subjected to being subcontracted by others, this being the case of about 50% of manufacturing units. Approximately 98% of the production of microindustries is derived for the national market, and 10% to exports. Furthermore, it was found that approximately 75% of enterprises are specialized, which represents a higher vulnerability within the production process, and only 25% of them are diversified that is, they are enterprises that better withstand the variations that occur within the cloth-manufacturing market.
Palabras llave : Clothing industry; Cuauhtémoc delegation; subcontracting (maquila); specialization.