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Investigaciones geográficas
On-line version ISSN 2448-7279Print version ISSN 0188-4611
ROMO, María de Lourdes and ORTIZ PEREZ, Mario Arturo. Flooding risk at the low San Pedro River fluvial plain, Nayarit. Invest. Geog [online]. 2001, n.45, pp.7-23. ISSN 2448-7279.
The purpose of this research is to determine the risk of flooding in a portion of the Nayarit coastal plain. This is a core aspect for planning because there is a potential threat for people who live in the San Pedro River fluvial plain, Nayarit, as well as for its agricultural activities. This study focuses on applied geomorphology with an environmental approach. The first goal was to establish and carry out a geomorphological analysis. Second, to find out a statistical correlation with a multi-temporal analysis of runoff during a 50-year period. This allowed to determine flood-susceptible zones and return periods. The results show that 92.2% of the area is prone to flooding. The most important towns and economic activities are located within the highest-susceptibility zone These results warrant the need to take cautionary measures and consider the proposals that emerged from this study.
Keywords : Flooding risk; vulnerability; fluvial geomorphology.