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Economía: teoría y práctica

On-line version ISSN 2448-7481Print version ISSN 0188-3380


ZAMORA TORRES, América Ivonne  and  GONZALEZ GARCIA, Juan. The Efficiency of Mexican International Freight Transport: Analysis by Federative Entity Through Malmquist Index, 2010-2014. Econ: teor. práct [online]. 2019, n.50, pp.125-144. ISSN 2448-7481.

A crucial link in the international trade of Mexico is the international road freight transport, which is presupposed efficient per se, which doesn´t always happen in reality. Hence the importance of studies that measure the degree of efficiency of it. This research aims to identify the degree of efficiency or inefficiency of the system of international road freight transport of Mexico, as well as to determine which factors contribute and determine technological change in each of the States of the Mexican Republic for the period 2010-2014, in order to achieve that, it uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Index. According to the results of the efficiency measurement implemented in this research, the entities with the road freight system that experienced the greatest technological change were: Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Guanajuato, State of Mexico and Queretaro. The results allow to affirm that the processes of innovation and technological change in the road freight transport system constitute a sine quanon condition towards improving Mexico’s foreign trade.

Keywords : Efficiency; transport; export; logistics; efficiency; infrastructure; C43; C67.

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