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Comunicación y sociedad

Print version ISSN 0188-252X


LOZANO RENDON, José Carlos. The Agreement for News Coverage of Violence in Mexico: a failed attempt at self-regulation. Comun. soc [online]. 2016, n.26, pp.13-42. ISSN 0188-252X.

The article analyzes the Agreement for News Coverage of Violence signed by 715 Mexican news outlets in 2011 and concludes that the reports issued by the Observatory of the Processes of Public Communication of the Violence from May 2011 to February 2013 had a very limited impact due to the inability to identify the media that violated the agreement and to implement sanctions or channel complaints and denouncements of non-compliance on the part of the citizens, organizations or other news outlets.

Keywords : Violence coverage; Mexican news outlets; media and culture of legality; media and violence; media and drug trafficking.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )