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vol.79 número3Crítica de la razón marxista: “crisis del marxismo” en Controversia (1979-1981)Gubernamentalidad y política pública: estudio alternativo del programa Prospera índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de sociología

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0651versión impresa ISSN 0188-2503


CASTILLO RAMIREZ, Guillermo. International migration and change in the villages of origin. Rev. Mex. Sociol [online]. 2017, vol.79, n.3, pp.515-542. ISSN 2594-0651.

In the context of the beginning of this century (2000-2010) and within the set of migratory studies, this article, through ethnographic data and interviews and after addressing the causes of Chiapas migration to the United States, argues that socio-cultural and economic changes derived from migration in the rural localities of origin. First, it describes the migration and the context in which it takes place, considering the subjects and the social processes that intervene. Subsequently, some repercussions of the migration in the localities of origin are investigated, addressing the transformations experienced by the diverse sectors of the community.

Palabras llave : international migration; indigenous groups; social change; localities of origin; Chiapas.

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