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Educación química
Print version ISSN 0187-893X
MORAIS, Carla; FERREIRA, António José and ARAUJO, José Luís. Qualitative polymer analysis lab through inquiry-based. Educ. quím [online]. 2021, vol.32, n.1, pp.85-99. Epub Aug 13, 2021. ISSN 0187-893X.
The present study has two main objectives: to acknowledge student’s arguments through the discussion of plastics use in our society; and how students engage in scientific-oriented activity plan and implement a protocol to identify qualitatively different polymers present in a bottle of water (on the bottle itself and on its cap and label), therefore formulating explanations based on evidence. Taking this into account, inquiry-based activity was developed bearing in mind the inclusion of role-playing debate approach and laboratory work. The activity was implemented with 20 students from school year 12, attending Chemistry classes. Data was collected through teacher’s observation and students’ answers and records. Students planned and performed the laboratory activity with a considerable degree of autonomy; however, the process of collecting and registering information was not always precise and complete. Despite some identification difficulties of the plastic present on the bottle label, perhaps due to some lack of procedural accuracy, the other two polymers present in the bottle were identified. Moreover, students formulated scientific explanations based on experimental evidence. Encouraging pupils hypothesis elaboration, and questions formulation engaging in a classroom debate, using evidence from the real world is essential and an ongoing challenge for chemistry learning through inquiry-based approach.
Keywords : Chemistry teaching; High School; Inquiry-based; Qualitative polymer analysis lab.