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Educación química
Print version ISSN 0187-893X
CAMEL, Tânia de Oliveira; MOURA, Cristiano and GUERRA, Andreia. Chemical Revolution and Historiography: a perspective from Cultural History of Science for Chemistry Teaching. Educ. quím [online]. 2019, vol.30, n.1, pp.136-148. Epub Oct 14, 2019. ISSN 0187-893X.
The Chemical Revolution has several interpretations in the Historiography of Science, associated with the development and the changes which the History of Science has experienced over the years. In the literature of chemistry education with historical approach, recent works champion the idea of teaching chemistry based on scientific practices. In this work, we seek to present the Chemical Revolution under the interpretation of the Cultural History of Science, pointing out the implications and potential of change in the teaching of this episode in the elementary school and how does it articulate with teaching based in scientific practices. Also, we discuss what this historiographical reorientation might mean, more broadly, to the rapprochement between History of Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching.
Keywords : history of chemistry; chemical revolution; historiography; cultural History of Science; chemistry teaching.