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Educación química

Print version ISSN 0187-893X


DAVILA ACEDO, María Antonia; CANADA CANADA, Florentina; SANCHEZ MARTIN, Jesús  and  MELLADO JIMENEZ, Vicente. Emotions in learning Physics and Chemistry in secondary education. Students related causes. Educ. quím [online]. 2016, vol.27, n.3, pp.217-225. ISSN 0187-893X.

It is necessary to study the domain affective in science education, since emotions affect our learning process. Furthermore, the personal development involves both cognitive and affective components. For this reason, it is important to know the emotions experienced by students of Compulsory Secondary Education towards the Physics and Chemistry during the learning process. This paper aims to understand and analyze the emotions experienced by students of Compulsory Secondary Education towards aspects related to the student. The sample consisted of 84 Spanish students of the third year of Compulsory Secondary Education of two educative institutions of the province of Badajoz during the academic year 2013/2014. The most relevant results determined that the students experienced positive emotions when they got good results in this field. On the other hand, they experienced negative emotions when they had to solve a problem of Physics and Chemistry, as well as, performing oral presentations.

Keywords : Emotions; Students; Compulsory secondary education; Physics and chemistry.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )