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Frontera norte

On-line version ISSN 2594-0260Print version ISSN 0187-7372


ROCHA ROMERO, David  and  OCEGUEDA HERNANDEZ, Marco Tulio. The Education doesn't Cross the Border: Students of UABC Tijuana, and their Academic Relationship with California Universities. Frontera norte [online]. 2014, vol.26, n.52, pp.25-53. ISSN 2594-0260.

This paper demonstrates that the academic and cultural links between students UABC Tijuana and California universities is minimal. California being one of the most dynamic regions in the production of knowledge, its great potential and possibilities have not been sufficiently exploited by students of Tijuana. Restrictions on immigration policy, lack of motivation by institutional authorities and teachers of UABC and the weak presence of actions for border regional integration of college students, was negatively associated with this situation.

Keywords : universities; higher education; academic and cultural relationship; California; Tijuana.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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