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Estudios fronterizos

On-line version ISSN 2395-9134Print version ISSN 0187-6961


GONZALEZ ROBLERO, Vladimir. Conflicts of exile. The border as non-place in La mitad del infierno by Óscar Palacios. Estud. front [online]. 2018, vol.19, e014.  Epub Aug 20, 2018. ISSN 2395-9134.

This essay is an analysis of the novel La mitad del infierno by the writer from Chiapas Óscar Palacios, in which the representation of the southern border of Mexico is examined as a non-place. The study employs this category proposed by Marc Augé. Based on it, the multiple plots that underlie the novel are analyzed. In addition, Ricoeur's hermeneutics serves to understand the ideological implications that surround the reader to represent the Mexican southeast. Based on the above, the representation of the southern border is palimpsest of places (historical, relational) where, according to the plots, the idea of non-place is imposed as one of the ways of conceiving the boundaries between Mexico and Central America.

Keywords : border; literature; non-place; Chiapas.

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