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vol.1 número2La autogestión de usuarios hidroagrícolas del valle de Mexicali: Efectos del proceso de transferenciaAnálisis económico del costo de vida en la frontera norte de Coahuila índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios fronterizos

versión On-line ISSN 2395-9134versión impresa ISSN 0187-6961


FIMBRES DURAZO, Norma. Emigración, inmigración y retorno: el ciclo de los inmigrantes mexicanos en Caléxico, California, EUA. Estud. front [online]. 2000, vol.1, n.2, pp.93-120. ISSN 2395-9134.

This article describes a community of Mexican immigrants legally residing in the city of Calexico, California. Firstly, a brief review on the history of migration from Mexico to the United States, chiefly to Imperial County, is presented. Afterwards, the traits of the immigrant group is described according to the data coming from a survey that was applied to 407 Mexican immigrants. To conclude, the results provided by the survey on the causes for such emigration, the motives for immigrating, as well as the bearing existing between the immigrant and his/her country of origin, through the return migration, are all presented.

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