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vol.23 número63Crisis ambiental en la costa de Quintana Roo como consecuencia de una visión limitada de lo que representa el desarrollo sustentableLas asimetrías de los mercados y la evaluación de proyectos en las multinacionales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Argumentos (México, D.F.)

versión impresa ISSN 0187-5795


ACUNA RODARTE, Olivia  y  MEZA CASTILLO, Miguel. Espejos de la crisis económica mundial: La crisis alimentaria y las alternativas de los productores de granos básicos en México. Argumentos (Méx.) [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.63, pp.189-209. ISSN 0187-5795.

The economic crisis that has affected the entire world has had several manifestations. One of them is the food crisis that in our country, among other things, has caused an abrupt rise in the main food supplies prices, contributing in this way to the increase of poverty levels. This article aims to unravel the ultimate causes of this food crisis as an expression of the global crisis. Thus the article focuses on the impact of financial speculation and the rise of oil prices in the agricultural products market. Likewise, it is particularly necessary to analyze how basic grain producers' organizations have developed a series of alternative strategies in order not only to resist this situation, but to revert the neoliberal policies that are identified as the structural causes of this crisis. The peasants' proposals are many; however we will focus on those aiming for food sovereignty since they have shown innovative ways of social mobilization as a result of the articulation processes with divers rural and urban actors.

Palabras llave : economic crisis; food crisis in Mexico; financial speculation; agricultural products market; basic grains producers; food sovereignty.

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