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vol.23 número63Tiempos turbulentosCrisis ambiental en la costa de Quintana Roo como consecuencia de una visión limitada de lo que representa el desarrollo sustentable índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Argumentos (México, D.F.)

versión impresa ISSN 0187-5795


VERAZA URTUZUASTEGUI, Jorge. Crisis económica y crisis de la forma neoliberal de civilización (o de la subordinación real del consumo bajo el capital específicamente neoliberal). Argumentos (Méx.) [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.63, pp.123-157. ISSN 0187-5795.

In a qualitatively over-accumulated context, capitalism has achieved its own collapse by matching the economic crisis with the ecological and other crises. It is also a time of material weakness in terms of its psychological and ideological influence, also its political and convening power. This is a condition of possibility for the opening up of the time for the subject or revolutions. At this juncture an historic twofold possibility appears possible actions: on one hand, efforts that have their route beside the transformation dynamic of the state capitalist management; on the other, hand against it or outside it (in the previus two cases, it is understood that social action becomes a defense against the state policy in force). It is the time for the solidarity of the subaltern classes, the solidarity of the poor; it is the time for autonomies. But it requires a new conceptualization of culture and policy models of, a new ethics and epistemology, as well as another economic model.

Palabras llave : qualitative over-accumulation of capital; formal and real submission of science to capital; horizons crisis of neoliberal pseudo-cientificity; real subsumption of consumerism under specifically neoliberal capital crisis; neoliberal form of civilization crisis; culture crisis; sensibility crisis.

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