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Argumentos (México, D.F.)

versión impresa ISSN 0187-5795


ANGELIS, Massimo De. La crisis de los sub-primes, el impasse neoliberal y los commons. Argumentos (Méx.) [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.63, pp.15-33. ISSN 0187-5795.

Marx studied the reproduction of the commons which he defined as social reproduction, to the extent that this takes place in the capitalist form. The cycles of neoliberalism and production of commons are interdependent and the social forces which speak for capital are well aware of that. In Marxian analysis of capital there is the presence of capital's "other"; that which is "the outside", exactly there in the forge of capitalist production. This is the dialectic of capital which aims to recover class struggle, "the outside", as a function of its own "development". What does this disquisition on the role of reproduction and "the outside" of capital have to do with the sub-primes crisis? As usuall the crises of capital illuminate the contradictions of the specific historical forms of capitalist development, that is to say, the recovery of that which is outside of capital. Thus, recurring crises are moments of a mechanism for the enclosure and disciplining of social work which is continuous, exactly because the conflict between opposing value forms and practices are continuous.

Palabras llave : crisis; sub-primes; neoliberalism; commons.

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