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Terra Latinoamericana
versão On-line ISSN 2395-8030versão impressa ISSN 0187-5779
FLORES FELIX, Edgar; MORENO CASILLAS, Héctor; FIGUEROA VIRAMONTES, Uriel e POTISEK TALAVERA, María del Carmen. Nitrogen availability and growth of forage oats ( Avena sativa L.) with application biosolids. Terra Latinoam [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.2, pp.99-105. ISSN 2395-8030.
An experiment was established with increasing rates of fertilizer and aerobically digested liquid biosolids in forage oats to 1) evaluate the agronomic response of forage oats to nitrogen (N) applied as ammonium sulfate or biosolids and 2) to estimate the available nitrogen in biosolids during the growing season, using the fertilizer equivalence (FE) method. The treatments were designed to provide 0, 67, 100 and 133% of the crop N requirement (CNR). The N rate at 100% of the CNR was 144 kg N ha-1, to which the soil N and irrigation water N were subtracted, so the fertilizer rate to provide 100% of the CNR was 95 kg ha-1. Plant height increased up to 53% with both sources of N, relative to the control without N. Dry matter (DM) yield obtained in the plots with biosolids was significantly higher than with fertilizer. With both sources of N, DM yield was adjusted to a linear regression equation, as a function of N rate. According to the FE, with the rate of 160.9 kg ha-1 of total N in biosolids (NRbios) and 37.5 kg ha-1 of inorganic fertilizer (NRfert), 103.2 kg ha-1 N was extracted by the crop (Next). The available N in biosolids (ANbios) was calculated as the ratio between NRfert and NRbios, expressed in percentage; in this study, the ANbios was 23.3%. Estimation of available N is important in estimating biosolids rates, based on the N requirement of crops, thus avoiding excessive applications and risks of contamination.
Palavras-chave : forage yield; plant nitrogen; nitrogen extraction.