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Perinatología y reproducción humana

On-line version ISSN 2524-1710Print version ISSN 0187-5337


GARCIA-ROMERO, Carmen S.; SORIANO-BECERRIL, Diana M.; SAM-SOTO, Selene  and  FLORES-MEDINA, Saúl. Genotyping of human papillomavirus in HPV-positive pregnant women. Perinatol. Reprod. Hum. [online]. 2023, vol.37, n.3, pp.115-121.  Epub Mar 01, 2024. ISSN 2524-1710.


Pregnant women infected with human papillomavirus have medical conditions that influence the course of the disease and can increase the possibility of vertical transmission.


To identify the most common human papillomavirus genotypes in pregnant women.


Retrospective, observational and descriptive study. Cervical scraping samples were used. The extraction of genetic material was done by the phenol-chloroform technique and was amplified using universal primers MY09/MY11. Positive samples were genotyped with a kit that detects 37 different genotypes.


Three hundred forty-one genotypes were identified. The most frequent were 16 (10.3%), 52 (8.8%), and 59 (8.6%). In 75.9% the detection was with one genotype and in 42.7% multiple infections were detected.


It is known that human papillomavirus infection in pregnant women will rarely evolve to invasive lesions. Both possible short- and long-term obstetric complications, as well as possible repercussions on the health of the newborn, should be considered. The high detection of genotype 16 suggests close follow-up to consider an optimal post-pregnancy approach.

Keywords : Pregnant women; Genotypes; Human papillomavirus; Infection.

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