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vol.38 número98Libros únicos de la imprenta manual de la Ciudad de Puebla de los Ángeles (1640-1700)El libro de artista como patrimonio cultural índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Investigación bibliotecológica

versão On-line ISSN 2448-8321versão impressa ISSN 0187-358X


BEDOYA MAZO, Sandra Patricia; ALFARO LOPEZ, Héctor Guillermo  e  MEJIA CORREA, Adriana María. Depicting Postgraduate Education in Publishing: The Ibero-American Case. Investig. bibl [online]. 2024, vol.38, n.98, pp.47-64.  Epub 21-Maio-2024. ISSN 2448-8321.

This article is derived from the research «The Training and Professional Profile of the Editor in Ibero-America» and aims to stimulate reflection on the logic of training in publication editing by analyzing some of the main curricular aspects of academic programs. It is a qualitative and descriptive study that consulted 84 editorial leaders and 21 graduates of a specialization program; also analyzed a sample of 16 programs from various countries. The findings confirm 1) the predominance of programs focused on specialized technical training, attached mainly to the social and human sciences and, in particular, to disciplines such as social communication and design; and 2) the curricular approaches are oriented towards the coordination and execution of editorial processes, as well as the administrative management of projects and companies in the sector, with a strong intention of generating digital editorial products that complement the offer of analog formats.

Palavras-chave : Training in publication editing; Professionalization of the editor; Postgraduate training; Professional profile of the editor.

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