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vol.41Diversidad fúngica en el municipio de San Gabriel Mixtepec, región Costa de Oaxaca, MéxicoStephanospora michoacanensis (Stephanosporaceae, Agaricales), una nueva trufa encontrada en América del Norte índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de micología

versión impresa ISSN 0187-3180


HERNANDEZ-NAVARRO, Eduardo; GUTIERREZ, Aldo; BARREDO-POOL, Felipe  y  ESQUEDA, Martín. Tulostoma species (Basidiomycetes, Agaricomycetes) in a tropical thorn forest from Sonora, Mexico. Rev. Mex. Mic [online]. 2015, vol.41, pp.65-72. ISSN 0187-3180.

A taxonomic, ecological, and chorological study of Tulostoma species from a locality dominated by thorn-scrub, collected during the four seasons of the year is presented. Four seasonal samplings were performed in 20 quadrats of 20 x 50 m. Mixed soil samples were taken to determine the physical and chemical edaphic characteristics. One-way ANOVA per each edaphic variable was performed. Eighty-three collections corresponding to 17 species of Tulostoma were studied. Tulostoma xerophilum was the best-represented species with 26 collections and 37 basidiomata collected during the four seasons of the year, while T. chudaei, T. fimbriatum, and T. nanum during three seasons. These species grow mainly on bare soil and could be well adapted to poor soils with high sand content. Tulostoma gracilipes is recorded for the third time at worldwide, while T. longii and T. membranaceum are new records for the Mexican mycobiota. The catalog for the genus was increased to 30 species for Sonora.

Palabras llave : taxonomy; chorology; gasteroid fungi; arid zones.

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