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Revista mexicana de micología

versión impresa ISSN 0187-3180


GARIBAY ORIJEL, Roberto. The zapotec names for fungi. Rev. Mex. Mic [online]. 2009, vol.30, pp.43-61. ISSN 0187-3180.

A list of 210 Zapotec common names for fungi obtained from 17 references is presented. The names were obtained from bibliography and their interpretations are based in ethomycological research. An analysis of etymology, meaning and scientific correspondence of each name was done. Terms correspond to 88 taxa. Names were obtained from an area including the four main distribution zones of Zapotecs in Oaxaca: Sierra Norte, Sierra Sur, Istmo and Valles centrales. The generic terms to design fungi were baya, bella, beshia, be'ea, be'ya, bia bel and bi'a in the Sierra Norte, while mbey and mey were used in the Sierra Sur. Fungi names present many variants, in small areas the terms and their roots change. However there are certain species with relatively conserved names as Amanta caesarea s.l., Cantharellus cibarius s.l. and Hydnum repandum s.l. We infer that these species have a high cultural significance for zapotecs.

Palabras llave : ethnomycology; Oaxaca; traditional nomenclature.

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