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Sociológica (México)
versión On-line ISSN 2007-8358versión impresa ISSN 0187-0173
ESTEINOU MADRID, Javier. El poder mediático y su lucha contra la democracia electoral en 2009 en México. Sociológica (Méx.) [online]. 2010, vol.25, n.72, pp.13-41. ISSN 2007-8358.
Despite the positive advances won with the application of the model of political publicity in Mexico's 2009 midterm elections, many negative aspects also emerged that had an impact on the democratic process of renewing the branches of government. Among others, we must include the intervention and victory of the media as a fourth estate, which made a mockery of the new norms voted into law with the electoral reform. For this reason, it is important to make a new reform that would close the loopholes in the legislation on political communications with new, more precise regulations, to avoid illegality -and with it, social anarchy- during the next elections.
Palabras llave : electoral reform; elections; electoral boycott; power of the media; making elections hinge on media spots; political communications.