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vol.21 issue62La sociología mexicana de Daniel Cosío Villegas: recuento de un legadoViolencia y migración, una representación colectiva. Estudio de caso en el municipio de Fresnillo, Zacatecas author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Sociológica (México)

On-line version ISSN 2007-8358Print version ISSN 0187-0173


PEREZ-RAYON ELIZUNDIA, Nora. Iglesia católica, Estado y narcotráfico. Un desafío hacia el siglo XXI. Sociológica (Méx.) [online]. 2006, vol.21, n.62, pp.139-173. ISSN 2007-8358.

Drug trafficking in Mexico can be analyzed from many angles. Here, it is dealt with in relation to an institution, the Catholic Church, and a culture, Catholic religiosity. Church and state condemn the world of drug dealing, but both, in different ways and to differing degrees, participate in the economic dynamic it generates and in the costs and negative implications it unleashes. This article deals with the specificities of the Church as a political actor and of drug trafficking's complex relations to the economy, politics, society and culture with the religious institution and religiosity as reference points. Lastly, it uses a case study to reflect on ties between the Catholic Church and drug trafficking.

Keywords : drug trafficking; Catholic Church; drug-related tithes; drug-related politics; drug culture; Malverde; Sandoval Íñiguez.

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