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vol.21 issue60Entre la migración internacional y la diversificación de cultivos. Los pequeños productores de café en dos localidades de VeracruzMigración de Guanajuato a Alabama. Experiencias escolares de cuatro familias mexicanas author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Sociológica (México)

On-line version ISSN 2007-8358Print version ISSN 0187-0173


ROCHA ROMERO, David. Migración y subcontratación laboral de la comunidad mexicana inmigrante en Aurora, Illinois. Sociológica (Méx.) [online]. 2006, vol.21, n.60, pp.109-141. ISSN 2007-8358.

Mexicans arrived in Chicago and some of its suburbs like Aurora, more than one hundred years ago, changing Aurora’s demographic profile, making it more Mexican. Similarly, mechanisms for entering the labor market have changed. Mexican immigrants seeking work in manufacturing and services find that subcontracting is a mechanism for getting a job that helps overcome the narrowness of the local labor market, although at the same time it increases their labor and wage instability. Mexican immigrant workers are the ones hardest hit by labor relations in the new world economy.

Keywords : Aurora; Mexican immigrant workers; social networks; subcontracting; insertion in the labor market; working conditions; flexibility.

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