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vol.38 número3La venta de suelo comunero en Lima, 1990-2022 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios demográficos y urbanos

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6515versión impresa ISSN 0186-7210


GUTMAN, Margarita  y  RULLANSKY, Ignacio. From the current city to the sustainable city: A content analysis of the Territorial Model: Buenos Aires, 2010-2060. Estud. demogr. urbanos [online]. 2023, vol.38, n.3, pp.957-986.  Epub 10-Nov-2023. ISSN 2448-6515.

In 2011, the Ministry of Urban Development of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires introduced a sustainable planning criterion through a key publication: the Territorial Model: Buenos Aires, 2010-2060. Using content analysis technique, our general objective was to understand the discursive framework of sustainability reflected in its guidelines, which were presented as frameworks for the design of long-term public policies. We offer a hermeneutical analysis of how the sustainable discourse enabled the thematization of a will to govern, legitimizing the exercise of governmental power. We seek to unravel the articulation of a technical-scientific discursive register with a political one to make sense of governmental practices.

Palabras llave : sustainability; urban planning; political rationalities; governmentality.

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