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Universidad y ciencia
versión impresa ISSN 0186-2979
RAMIREZ-MENESES, Aurora et al. Plant diversity in cocoa agroforestry systems in Cárdenas, Tabasco, Mexico. Universidad y ciencia [online]. 2013, vol.29, n.3, pp.215-230. ISSN 0186-2979.
The study was carried out in six cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) agroforestry systems in the Ejido Miguel Hidalgo 2da. Sección, municipality of Cárdenas, Tabasco, Mexico, in three 30 year old plots and three 50 year old plots. The plant composition was determined, and the species richness, similarity, plant structure and variety in the use given to the trees were analysed. The results produced a plant composition of 503 individuals, 23 families, 30 genera and 32 species in the 30 year old cocoa plantations, and 1238 individuals, 24 families, 40 genera and 44 species in the 50 year old plots. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index provided a highly significant statistical difference (p < 0.01) at the levels of family, genus and species. The 50 year old plots were more diverse than the 30 year old plots. The similarity indices of Jaccard (qualitative), Sorensen (qualitative and quantitative) and Morisita-Horn (quantitative) indicated a clear non-similarity trend. Structurally, the 30 year old plots presented a greater basal area (58 m2 ha-1) with Samanea saman, Diphysa robinioides, Guazuma ulmifolia and Erythrina sp as the most important species representing 52 % of the relative importance value (RIV). The 50 year old plots recorded a basal area of 38 m2 ha-1 with Colubrina arborescens, Musa sp, Glirícidia sepium, Diphysa robinioides, Guazuma ulmifolia and Cedrela odorata representing 44 % of the RIV. With respect to the use given to the trees, a highly significant statistical difference (p<0.01) was recorded, with the older plots presenting more uses than the younger plots.
Palabras llave : Cocoa agroforestry system; plant diversity.