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Acta pediátrica de México

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8235versión impresa ISSN 0186-2391


ARREDONDO-GARCIA, JL; MENDEZ-HERRERA, A; MEDINA-CORTINA, H  y  PIMENTEL-HERNANDEZ, C. Water: the importance of the adequate intake in children. Acta pediatr. Méx [online]. 2017, vol.38, n.2, pp.116-124. ISSN 2395-8235.

Water is the largest component of the human body, which is unable to produce enough of it to satisfy its needs: therefore is vital to consume the right amount to maintain homeostasis. However, even as water is an essential nutriment for life, health professionals jack much about water metabolism and adequate intake recommendations to maintain a healthy alimentation. Moreover, is well known that children consume less fluids than are recommended, thus are in a hydration condition that can affect their attention level, school performance, mood and cognition. Besides, children consume a great amount of sugar beverages, exceeding recommendations of caloric intake. Therefore, standards and measures should be instituted to ensure satisfactory a good state of hydration in children and to reduce of intake sugar beverages in their diet.

Palabras llave : water; intake; children; beverages; sugar; consume; hydration; obesity.

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