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versão impressa ISSN 0186-1042


YNZUNZA CORTES, Carmen Berenice  e  IZAR LANDETA, Juan Manuel. Effect of competitive strategies and market oriented resources and capabilities on organizational growth. Contad. Adm [online]. 2013, vol.58, n.1, pp.169-197. ISSN 0186-1042.

This study analyzes the relationships between market forces, competitive strategies, market orientation, innovation, technological resources and capabilities, and organizational performance. The study was made in small firms (SMEs) in the industrial sector in the State of Queretaro with a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. A structural model was designed to test the variable relationships, using Amos software. The sample size was 116 and interviews were applied to collect data. To measure market forces, competitive strategies and market orientation Kohli and Jaworsky (1990), Segev (1987) and Narver and Slater (1990) scales were used. The items to measure technological and innovation capabilities and organizational performance were designed. The results of the study show that market forces have a significant impact on the competitive strategy, a non-significant impact on resources and capabilities and a negative one on performance, this last one being measured by organizational growth. The effect of competitive strategy is significant on market orientation, technological and innovation resources and capabilities and non-significant on organizational performance. These resources and capabilities have a significant influence on organizational performance. The results of this research emphasize the implementation of prospecting and analyzing strategies that create resources and capabilities which give value such as market orientation, technology and innovation, with economical benefits for organizations.

Palavras-chave : strategy; market; resources; capabilities; performance.

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