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versión On-line ISSN 2395-8464versión impresa ISSN 0186-0348


FERNANDEZ ESCARENO, Itzia. El batallón invisible. Territorio mexicano imaginario. Análisis de la película Een Telegrame Uit Mexico (1914). Secuencia [online]. 2006, n.64, pp.232-256. ISSN 2395-8464.

The practices of the Filmmuseum in Amsterdam occupy a key position in the historic opening of film archives. Its numerous collections enable one to interpret representations of "things-Mexican" in the cinematographic imagination during the silent cinema period. By way of an example, the article analyzes the story of Ben Telegrame Uit Mexico (by Louis H. Chrispijn, Low Countries, 1914), a sample of "things-Mexican" fictionalized at the same time as the Mexican Revolution, under the influence of Hollywood. The author describes and analyzes the title and applies three categories in the history of the cinema: genre, period and national cinema. Cinema is regarded as a time machine, since it enables today's spectator to "travel" through European eyes and see how "things-Mexican" of the time was portrayed.

Palabras llave : Stereorypes; Mexican Revolution; silent cinema; Dutch cinema.

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