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 número63Ejército y milicia cívica. Fuerzas armadas y pugna de poderes en el primer parlamentarismo mexicano, 1821-1824La ayuda a los republicanos españoles exiliados en Santo Domingo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2395-8464versión impresa ISSN 0186-0348


TATO, María Inés. Variaciones reformistas: los conservadores bonaerenses ante el desafío de la democratización, 1912-1919. Secuencia [online]. 2005, n.63, pp.128-150. ISSN 2395-8464.

In 1912, President Roque Sáenz Peña ushered in a general atmosphere of democratization and modernization of Argentinean politics through the reform of electoral legislation. This study deals with the tensions and conflicts within the Conservative Party in the province of Buenos Aires triggered by the reformist initiatives that responded to the prevailing atmosphere nation wide. The conflict was caused by two main issues: the adaptation of provincial electoral legislation to the dictates of the Saenz Peña law and the democratization of the organization and internal functioning of the Conservative Party itself. This study is concerned with a key stage in the political history of the province and its principal group.

Palabras llave : Argentinean conservatism; reformism; province of Buenos Aires; political parties; electoral legislation.

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