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Trace (México, DF)

On-line version ISSN 2007-2392Print version ISSN 0185-6286


PINEYRO NELSON, Carlos  and  VARELA HUERTA, Amarela. Migration and new unionism forms in the global north countries. Trace (Méx. DF) [online]. 2018, n.73, pp.134-163. ISSN 2007-2392.

Unions all around the world have lost considerable power since neoliberal policies were adopted in the 1970s. On the one hand, the shift in the mode of production deindustrialized the main economies in both sides of the Atlantic, which meant that jobs where unions had their biggest influence and power were lost. On the other, unions refusal to unionized undocumented immigrants from the Global South lowered their regrouping and political capacity in the new economic reality. This situation, however, has changed. In order to survive, the largest unions are unionizing immigrants and their organizations. This twist is reconfiguring unionism and creating a platform for migrants to organize. This article will address two different ways immigrant workers are organizing in the Global North: “social unionism” in Europe, and the New Immigrant Community Empowerment, a worker center in the United States.

Keywords : precarious work; worker centers; social unionism; biounionism; New Immigrant Community Empowerment.

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