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Relaciones. Estudios de historia y sociedad

On-line version ISSN 2448-7554Print version ISSN 0185-3929


ESPINOSA AGUIRRE, Joaquín Edgardo. La situación insostenible. Indiscriminate Violence during the Counterinsurgency in New Spain. Relac. Estud. hist. soc. [online]. 2020, vol.41, n.164, pp.168-194.  Epub Oct 11, 2021. ISSN 2448-7554.

The War of Independence in New Spain generated manifestations of extreme violence caused by the large mobilizations of armed forces among various populations there, especially after a war of extermination was declared against the insurgents. Although these cruel and violent maneuvers were allowed -even promoted- by Viceroys and commanders, the truth is that the hostilities reached such a point that the damage that the image of the government suffered exceeded any benefits achieved. This paper addresses, first, the issue of counterinsurgent military violence during the War of Independence in New Spain, a topic largely ignored in historiography to date, but one whose implications we examine in detail during the stage of government collusion in the first years of the conflict. Second, it analyzes the measures to curb excessive violence implemented by Viceroy Félix María Calleja during his government.

Keywords : War of Independence; viceregal army; punishments; abuses; pacification.

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