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Relaciones. Estudios de historia y sociedad
versión On-line ISSN 2448-7554versión impresa ISSN 0185-3929
CROSBY, Alfred W.. Grand History as Environmental History. Relac. Estud. hist. soc. [online]. 2013, vol.34, n.136, pp.21-39. ISSN 2448-7554.
This text offers a demonstration of "environmental macro-history"; a continuation of my book The Columbian Exchange published 40 years ago. In order to better resolve the issues analyzed there it goes back 50,000 years to the arrival of the first humans at what would become the American continent, where they developed varied agricultural systems superior, at least in some aspects, to Old World ones (manioc, potato, corn). By adding small amounts of milk, one hectare of potato can assure the survival of an entire family; but some weaknesses have consequences: while the absence of domestic animals left the New World free of certain diseases, it caused a fatal fragility after 1492 that led to the collapse of human populations.
Palabras llave : Columbian exchange; manioc; corn; potato; epidemics; domestication.