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Nova tellus

Print version ISSN 0185-3058


RIO TORRES-MURCIANO, Antonio. Faithful Translations in Verse? The Case of the Mexican Virgils. Nova tellus [online]. 2024, vol.42, n.2, pp.111-134.  Epub Nov 25, 2024. ISSN 0185-3058.

In translating poetry, the alternative between prose and verse has often been posed as parallel to the broader dilemma between faithfulness and liberty in translation. Yet this parallelism can be called into question to the point of overcoming the strict theoretical opposition between faithfulness and liberty, as it is shown here by way of a comparative overview of the translation practices employed by José Rafael Larrañaga, Joaquín Arcadio Pagaza and Rubén Bonifaz Nuño in their respective verse translations of the three major works of Virgil.

Keywords : Virgil; José Rafael Larrañaga; Joaquín Arcadio Pagaza; Rubén Bonifaz Nuño; Translation.

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