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Nova tellus
Print version ISSN 0185-3058
RIVERA DIAZ, Pedro Emilio. A New Lecture of Phot., Bibl., 68, 34a10 (ἐν ᾗ). Nova tellus [online]. 2024, vol.42, n.2, pp.53-68. Epub Nov 25, 2024. ISSN 0185-3058.
In the Bibliotheca of Photius of Constantinople (ca. 810/820-after 893) there are two passages concerning the contents of the events of Alexander the Great in the Brief History of Cephalion (68, 34a10-11; 161, 104b13-14), that contradict each other: in the first one it seems the author is referring to the ninth book, while in the second one, to the eighth book. Critics and translators have generally preferred the ascription to the former. This paper advocates for a textual change of the syntagma ἐν ᾗ (Bibl., 68, 34a10) so that the information coincide in both passages. This new interpretation enlightens a lost document of Greek literature.
Keywords : Photius; Bibliotheca; Cephalion; Brief History; Sopater of Apamea.