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Nova tellus

Print version ISSN 0185-3058


VOLPE, Enrico. Causality without Demiurgy. The First Principle of Numenius of Apamea and its Causal Activity. Nova tellus [online]. 2024, vol.42, n.2, pp.13-30.  Epub Nov 25, 2024. ISSN 0185-3058.

Numenius’ thought represents an innovative element within Middle Platonism. In one respect his conception of the principle remains faithful to the fundamental aspects of Middle Platonism, while in other respects it seems to anticipate the Neoplatonic conception of the absolute transcendence of the first principle.

The purpose of my paper is to systematically investigate the conception of the first principle according to Numenius, delving into some only seemingly contradictory aspects. In particular, I will focus on the nature of the first God as a cause, reflecting on how Numenius holds together the conception of an absolutely simple god who is both cause and “demiurge”. What I aim to show is that in Numenius there is no contradiction in his conception of the first God, even though he calls it “demiurge”, but his is only an original attempt in the Middle Platonic view to hold together two fundamental aspects of the principle: its absolute simplicity and its active causality.

Keywords : Numenius; First God; Middle Platonism; Demiurge; Causality.

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