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vol.26 número2Deflecting Attention and Shaping Reality with Rhetoric (the Case of the Riot of the Statues of A.D. 387 in Antioch)La etopeya en Basilio de Cesarea índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Nova tellus

versión impresa ISSN 0185-3058


LOPEZ FARJEAT, Luis Xavier. La problemática del τὸ ἐφ' ἡμîv/fā'il/agens en Alejandro de Afrodisias y la tradición árabe-islámica. Nova tellus [online]. 2008, vol.26, n.2, pp.155-178. ISSN 0185-3058.

The Arabic tradition knew Alexander's treatises On Fate and On Providence. In those treatises Alexander criticizes the Stoic determinism using some Peripatetic arguments. A similar discussion can be found in the Islamic tradition. The aim of this paper is to point out some similarities and differences between the Islamic theological group called the Ash'arītes and Alexander's conception of the Stoic determinism. First, I present some of Alexander's arguments against determinism. Then, I discuss the kasb doctrine or 'acquisition doctrine' formulated by the Ash'arītes and by al-Ghazālī. After pointing out Stoic influence on the kasb doctrine and the problems it creates, I sketch some of the Peripatetic arguments employed by Averroes in the Incoherence of the Incoherence and I point out the similarity between these arguments and Alexander's.

Palabras llave : Alejandro de Afrodisias; argumentación peripatética; determinismo; tradición árabe-islámica.

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