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vol.48 número192Valores de la ética de la investigación en opinión de académicos de posgrado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoSaberes-haceres de egresados de la Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural en posgrados no interculturales: tensiones y sinergias índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la educación superior

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2760


GIOVINE, Manuel Alejandro  y  ANTOLIN SOLACHE, Ana. Strategies of permanence and social inequality in university students of Córdoba-Argentina at present. Rev. educ. sup [online]. 2019, vol.48, n.192, pp.67-92.  Epub 30-Ene-2020. ISSN 0185-2760.

One hundred years after the University Reform of Córdoba-Argentina, we are discussing some challenges facing university democratization. We intend to give an account of the strategies established by university students viewing the difficulty in completing their studies in the established time. These strategies differ according to the volume and structure of the investment done by their families. To do this, we present the available reproduction instruments, we use the classification of the Córdoba families to characterize their differential access to the university by social class and describe the lived senses associated with the university permanence by social class: persistence and substitution strategies.

Palabras llave : Educational inequality; Permanency strategies; University education; Social class; Córdoba-Argentina.

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