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vol.38 issue152Desigualdad, democratización y pedagogías en el acceso a la educación superior de Uruguay"Polos de saber" y "cadenas de saber": Impactos de la movilidad estudiantil en la estructuración del campo científico mexicano author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Revista de la educación superior

Print version ISSN 0185-2760


PEDROZA FLORES, René  and  VILLALOBOS MONROY, Guadalupe. Políticas compensatorias para la equidad de la educación superior en Argentina, Bolivia y Venezuela. Rev. educ. sup [online]. 2009, vol.38, n.152, pp.33-48. ISSN 0185-2760.

This is a study of policies on compensation for higher education followed by Argentina, Bolivia and Venezuela. In particular we describe the care they receive less advantaged groups that stand between the indigenous, afrodescendants, disabled and women. The development of compensatory policies in each country is uneven, however, we found that, overall, progress has been made on legal, political, social and education to overcome the problem of inequity. The sense of justice that prevails in the court of compensatory policy is liberal, with emphasis on equal opportunities from overcoming the unequal conditions. Under this idea there have been various programs designed to assist the above groups. Despite efforts, continues the cycle of inequality that is an extreme lack of educational opportunities and other economic and social constraints that are mutually involved.

Keywords : compensatory policies; equity on education; higher education.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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