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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


JIMENEZ MORENO, José Alfonso; CASO NIEBLA, Joaquín  and  ROMERO MOJICA, Andrea. Evaluación del egreso de nivel licenciatura en la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2024, vol.46, n.184, pp.89-110.  Epub Aug 30, 2024. ISSN 0185-2698.

The article discusses the experience of developing a mechanism for the assessment of the undergraduate degree of nine low-enrollment educational programs of the Autonomous University of Baja California: Plastic Arts, Bioengineering, Teaching Mathematics, Teaching Language and Literature, Renewable Energy Engineering, Language Teaching, Oceanology, Sociology, and Translation. For its development a comprehensive evaluation methodology was considered, able to highlight the participation of academic communities and to reflect the institutional perspective of each discipline to obtain an unprecedented graduate evaluation exercise for the degrees in question. The need to ensure the formative use of the results and to consider this exercise as an input for curriculum improvement is concluded.

Keywords : Educational evaluation; Learning evaluation; Achievement tests; Graduates; Vocational training.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )